Thursday 15 May 2014

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Hen House (Part Two)

The weather being a little less warm today I decided to finish painting the hen house . But first we had to take Charlie to the vets for his final injection and check up . He was no problem at the vets, not even noticing his jab and we have signed up to a 'puppy party' evening later in the month - think they get to wear funny hats and eat jelly (!?) . We then called in at the W.C.F. farm shop for some hen corn and Charlie to be 'oohed' over by various female assistants . Finally I got the top off the hen house - with the help of my wife and started to clean up the base only to find that it was starting to fall to pieces being only made out of some sort of marine ply . I then had to start looking around for some suitable pieces of wood to try and repair it , having found a couple of lengths of wood I could not find any nails the right size to do the job - Grr! . I did find some screws though and thought - 'Oh well these will do' , so I got my drill only to find that the batteries were flat ! , sigh ! so I put them on charge and had a cup of tea whilst the warmed up . The repair went smoothly enough once I got going and I was able to treat the woodwork and reassemble the house , phew !
Sad to say there is nothing stronger than fruit juice in the glass , the vet said Charlie might be a bit under the weather for the rest of the day due to his injection and here he is sleeping it off .

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